Do I need to have sung in a Choir before?

No! It helps, but enthusiasm goes a long way.

How do I join?

Contact the secretary , or telephone 01925 815095 and arrange to come along to a practice one night and we will help you from there.

Will I have to audition?

There is a voice test, but it’s usually just you, the pianist and our Musical Director, Russell Paterson.

What if I haven’t sung before / for a long time?

Most people can sing a bit.  If you love to sing, the choir is the perfect place to start.

How much time is involved?

We rehearse twice a week on a Monday and Thursday from 7.30pm to 9.30pm.

Do I need to read music?

No, but it is an advantage.  Lots of choir members do fine without it and you can always learn later.

Do we sing in concerts?

Yes, we sing in several concerts throughout the year at various places.  One of the highlights of the year for us is our Christmas concert at Parr Hall, Warrington.  Take a look at our ‘Photo Gallery’ for some of our latest concert photos.

Do I have to sing in concerts?

Only when you and the Musical Director feel you are ready and of course only if you want to.  Once you have been to a few practices, most people can’t wait to perform in their first concert.  Come along and make your own mind up.

How much does it cost?

There is nominal membership fee which is paid annually.  Information on this will be provided on request.

Do I need to buy anything else?

Choir uniform is provided in part.  Other items such as trousers \ shoes etc would need to be purchased by each member.  Music is also loaned to you as part of your membership and is to be returned as requested by the Choir Librarian \ Secretary.

Can I sing in other choirs as well as Warrington Male Voice Choir?

Yes.  Several of our members sing in more than choir.  As long as you can commit to our rehearsals and concerts, then that’s fine.